Here's What Builders Say About BU
Shawn's Story
Ace's Story
Dara's Story
Sue's Story
Tamisha's Story
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Buildership® University offers the highest caliber of expert coaching and hands-on mentorship available for K-12 Principals. Join us today and get everything you need to see success in your school THIS school year and achieve 100% success in 3 years.
Trina's Story
Scott's Story
Tosha-Lyn's Story: "Buildership Saved my School!"
Kevin's Story: The Culture Czar
Navonne's Story
Francina's Story

"My mind is blown!!!"
I had to share what happened after I shared the vision story. There were a lot of heads nodding during the sharing. Most of the staff agreed to join the journey and there were a couple who agreed to continue the discussion. Then, the next day I had one teacher approach me and say I am with you on the 100% vision, but I need help with my behaviors and SPED students (needs coaching and support), one of the SPED teachers found me to say she is on board with 100% and is re-evaluating her minutes for students to support the work toward the vision (needs a solid culture). Finally, a third teacher came to me and said he is struggling with getting progress monitoring done and would I help him develop a schedule (needing coaching, support and accountability).
My mind is blown! Three of the teachers reaching out for support, accountability and coaching in an effort to reach 100% of students at or above grade level in reading and math.
Cheryl F. | Principal
Get 100% success for ALL your students
Our school was the only one in our district to get an "A" from the State of Utah for academic achievement! Our vision of EVERY student being on grade level in math and reading really does make a difference in the mindset and work ethic of my faculty and staff! We also run the district's self-contained program, which brings the most amazing humans who need to most help to our school from all other schools. Yes, we believe ALL students can be on grade level in something- if not all things in reading and math! Buildership is the real-deal!
John H. | Principal
Navonne J. | Principal
The biggest overall victory is finally having everyone on the same page for the same purpose and with the same intentions. I don't have to spend time explaining why because everything is centered and anchored in the vision, mission and core values....The narrative has indeed shifted and learning is no longer about the teacher or the parent, but the focus is 100% on our learners.
Shenita P. | Principal
One of the most important things I think I have learned from this is the importance of crafting a vision that includes all students and is something that everyone should know and be excited about. In my past experiences with vision and mission statements, people have leaned more toward crafting wordy visions that sound good but have no substance in order to accomplish a task or check off a box on list to say it's done.
Misti B. | Principal
Going through this process has given me the clarity to create a vision that I believe in and want to achieve. These past two years I have felt more like I was headed in no direction that I could bring people with me. I have been saying all of the important things, but without a framework in mind.
Julie M. | Principal
My key realization (last year was my first year as a principal) was that having a concrete, simple, impactful vision will make my life so much EASIER. When I think back on all the decision-making, fire-fighting, budgeting, and resource management--if I had a vision, it would have created an alignment tool for everything I did as a principal.
Arlene H. | Principal
Getting the vision right is more important than getting it done in a time-frame that I want it to happen. I realize that I may not be able to control the timing of the work and to engage with the learning and trust the process as it needs to play out.
Alicia U. | Principal
Previously the vision statements that I have been a part of writing have been just words on a page, not exciting to anyone but they sounded good. It is exciting to focus resources and plans and training on what it will take to achieve the vision.
Tosha-Lynn F. | Principal
I learned that instructional buildership is not really about dividing the "bad" vs "good" teachers. It's about understanding what each teacher needs at their current professional stage. Every teacher needs something-- just not the same thing
Stacy D. | Principal
This is the most confident I have felt about building this school because the strategic plan has more clarity. Now, we have to see how this will impact growth and our efforts to plan accordingly.
Scott L. | Principal
I love the individualized nature of this way of giving feedback, as it feels more authentic to me. It's making me more confident in giving feedback. I struggle with this idea of feeling like I'm substituting my own judgement for the judgement of the teacher, but when it's grounded in the rubric, I think it will make that conversation easier to have.
Jasmine W. | Principal
This process was so much better than what I've had to trudge through before with large committies and so much word-smithing! This is my vision and it's what I'm passionate about, not something I need to memorize...I really resonate with the idea of being a builder... we're playing the 'long game. It is building my confidence to stay focused on the end goal but flexible about the details.
Bobbi S. | Principal
The dashboard will help me to better align my observation process in a manner that supports the vision, mission, and core value work that we are currently doing at the beginning of the school year...It allows me to be more thoughtful and purposeful in supporting teacher growth... I will be able to see actual growth for each one of my teachers. Very exciting stuff!
Tamicia D. | Principal
It was so different from my initial leadership training. I have used Du'Four's work to lead out on the vision and mission creation in the past so this was very different but so much more powerful and meaningful.
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Kelwy E. | Principal
I had no vision prior to this. There were so many thing undone at my school that I've been treading water. I knew we needed a focus but every book I read just felt like the wrong way to set this in motion. I'm so happy I found BU. This just makes sense, it feels right and I can see how creating a proper vision story will really help teachers grab ahold and move forward in alignment.
Ace M. | Principal
I have been in administration for 10 years, 6 as principal. I was starting to feel burned out, especially after the last few years. Being shown that I can still grow in the job and find new ways of improving myself and my school as a whole has really energized me.
Katie D. | Principal
I've learned that taking the risk of reframing this work will reduce the chance of wasting precious time and focusing on outdated practices that don't work. I also am gaining confidence as a leader armed with the right tools to move teaching and learning in my building.
Marlan M. | Principal
I have been frustrated with the observation/evaluation process at our school for years but have never been able to figure out how to change it to be more productive. I am excited to finally have something that feels like it can help! Even though I am considered an evaluator, I want my work to help our teahers get better because I believe that as they grow their practice, our students will grow in their learning as well.
Alisa R. | Principal
The combination of asynchronous materials that you can access on your own, on demand tools that are high quality and easy to use and that have, have companion videos to go
with it. So it's not just a random assembling of materials. It's organized in a really logical, progressive way. So you know exactly where you need to go based on your need.
Ken N. | Principal
This process taught me that clarity is important. I also learned that you can't make your vision fit within the school you currently have (that's when you run into the yes, buts!) - you have to start with your vision and build outward. The lack of clarity in our past vision statements created moving targets that we had a hard time hitting, always searching for the next best thing, often settling for modest incremental gains. It was hard getting everyone on the same page, since we really didn't know what that was.