Help Your Teachers Become Master Teachers

Help Your Teachers Become Master Teachers

By Learning the Seven Principles of Effective Instruction

ANY teacher can become a master teacher with the right support and practice. It’s not a gift or only achievable by a select few. As a school or district administrator, we know you want to see your all teachers master the art of instructional delivery.  

The 7 Principles of Effective Instruction will help guide your teachers in developing the mindset of a master teacher. The principles are simple, yet powerful, and include such steps as starting where your students are, expecting your students to reach goals and never working harder than your students. 

Specific Instructional & Classroom Topic Areas

Differentiated Instruction

When you do DI right, you'll meaningfully engage and challenge all your students.

Motivating Students

Access our library of practical resources to help you pick up new motivational strategies. 


Learn how to make advanced material equally accessible to all students. 

Support Struggling Students

Learn how to get struggling students back on track quickly with our resources.  


Never Work Harder Than Your Students & Other Principles of Great Teaching and the accompanying DVD which features real classroom scenes, reveal how any teacher can become a master teacher by applying the 7 Principles of Effective Instruction.

You can learn more about these principles in the Mastering the Principles of Great Teaching how-to series.Learn more in our Mastering the Principles of Great Teaching Series, a how-to series that focuses the 7 mastery principles introduced in Never Work Harder Than Your Students and Other Principles of Great Teaching.